The Lot 1982 Series

Lot 1982 is a performative video essay on the subject of valuing and devaluing technical knowledge regarding the socialist furniture after the changes of 1990. Along with the essay, the series includes the conceptual sculpture entitled Folding Staircase for the Lot 1982 Library – an object that reproduces a ladder design taken from a woodworking manual; and the artist’s book Lot 1982, built on products at modest prices identified in the online space. The last contribution refers to the role of the archive in contemporary culture and highlights the information technology revolution that decisively affects conventional production methods.

The artist book Lot 1982 was produced by the unuplusunu (1+1) association and Iași, and it was part of the larger project Narațiuni Concurente project, co-financed by AFCN, Jassy, 2019.
Curators: Livia Pancu and Florin Bobu
