Fluid Architecture/ Arhitectură-mobilă
The video footage documents the recent development of urban space and the effects of suburbanization in Jassy. The target of the project was to follow the changes and contradictions of unequal urban development and to discover the extensive link between the flow of global capital and the production of the local politics of space. The project aimed to establish close links between housing architecture, interior design and the local real estate market. By means specific to the documentary essay, these fields were associated and described on the basis of the membership of the tenants of some common social groups, defined by the field of intangible work in which they work. At the same time, in this social connection I’ve followed to articulate the economic relations through studies on the forms of language adopted by the project developers.
Along with the video, two articles entitled Note despre noul boom imobiliar din Iași and Reorientarea industriilor locale în industrii creative, both excerpts part of the research „Fabrica socială a Dorinței: Muncă și memorie culturală în industriile creative după anii 90” (2016-2019, FAVD, UNAGE, Iași), were published in Rețeaua Critică.